1. What was the founding date of Girl Scouts? March 12, 1912 2. What were Girl Scouts first called? Girl Guides 3. Name 2 early activities of Girl Scouts? camping and basketball 4. What did Juliette Low have her Girl Guides call her? Miss Daisy 5. What was the Girl Guides secret sign? 3 fingers upraised 6. When should a Girl Guide take off her trefoil? When she is doing wrong she should take off the trefoil 7. What did the first uniform look like? Middy blouse and dark blue skirt 8. What was Juliette Low's unusual lifelong hobby that she practiced with her Girl Scouts? palm-reading 9. What color was the uniform very soon changed to? Khaki 10. Why did they change the color? Red Georgia dirt showed too much on the dark blue 11. Where did Juliette Low learn Kim's Game? England 12. Who taught her to play Kim's Game? Her friend, Rudyard Kipling, author of the novel, KIM 13. When was the trefoil patented? 1914 14. What was the name of the first Girl Scout magazine? "The Rally" in 1918 15. Who was the first Honorary President? Mrs. Woodrow Wilson 16. JGL always wore 2 items. What were they? Knife and cup 17. Why did she always wear those items? Juliette Kinzie, her grandmother, wore those items when she rode out to Chicago on horseback 18. What was another she always wore, just because she liked it? Her whistle...her friends thought it was a riot 19. What year were calendars first sold? 1920 20. What was the name of the first Girl Scout handbook? How Girls Can Serve Their Country 21. What was the 1920 Handbook named? Scouting for Girls 22. Could adult GS ever earn and wear proficiency badges? Until 1923 adults could earn and wear proficiency badges 23. Who served as both Honorary President and elected National President? Lou Henry Hoover 24. What was the first magazine for leaders called? Field News 25. In what year did American Girl magazine first suggest that Girl Scouts sell "Girl Scout made cookies?" 1922 26. When did Juliette Low die? January 18, 1927 27. Juliette founded Girl Scouts with how many charter members? 18 28. By what year had they grown to 1,000 members? 1914 29. By what year had Girl Scouts grown to 100,000 members? 1925 30. At her death in 1927, what did her friends establish? Juliette Low World Friendship Fund 31. Who nicknamed daisy? Her uncle 32. Juliette Low loved animals, name one of her pets. Horse, dog, parrot 33. What year did she marry Willie Gordon? 1886 34. Which ear did the rice fall into? Left 35. JGL used her fortune to fund GS. What did she sell? Her pearls 36. What was the quote for when Juliette Low returned to America to start Girl Scouts? Come right over! I have something for the girls of Savannah, and of America, and of all the world, and we are going to start it tonight! 37. Who was the first registered Girl Scout? Her niece, Daisy 38. Where were first national headquarters? Savannah 39. In 1913, where did the national HQ move to? Washington, DC 40. How much were national dues in 1915? 25 cents 41. In 1916, where did national HQ move? New York City